Social Skills: How to Behave Yourself

Step by Step Guide to Asking A Girl Out

Asking a girl out isn't the most difficult thing in the world

Asking a girl out is a nerve-wracking experience, but it doesn’t always have to be. Follow the below steps and you’ll see that the process is simple.
Step 1: Plant Attraction

Before asking a girl out, you should plant attraction so that she actually wants you to ask her out. You don’t want to just do it out of the blue, which will just confuse her and probably have her saying “no” instead of “yes.”
Step 2: Show Her That You’re Fun

This is extremely important. When you ask a girl out, you want her to know that she’s going to have a good time. Don’t be shy around her. Think of it like advertising. You want her to want you.
Step 3: Show Your Leadership Ability

Girls love leaders. Show her that you can plan an event with a large group of people, or can handle yourself in a party with a lot of friends, or are a storyteller that gets everyone’s attention.
Step 4: Flirt With Her

Take a look at this video for my tips on how to flirt with a girl:

Step 5: Plan the Night

Instead of just saying that “yeah, we should hang out sometime,” show her your leadership side once again by actually coming up with a plan for the night. Don’t be vague, be clear.
Step 6: But Not A Dinner and a Movie

This is the worst possible date to take a girl on. Not only is it clichéd and boring, but it also makes the entire night an actual DATE date, and puts too much pressure on her. Come up with something more interesting.
Step 7: Don’t Be Too Invested In Her Answer

With all of the thoughts you’ve already used on this, it’s hard not to get invested in whether or not she’s going to say yes. But you have to make it look like you don’t care if she says yes or no. If she says yes, great, then she can come along and have fun … which you’d be doing anyway. If you make it seem like this answer of hers is the most important thing in the world, you’re going to end up scaring her away and making her time long and hard about answering “yes” when you ask her out on a date.
So, then. Now that I’ve told you how to plant the seeds of attraction and what NOT to do, how do you ask a girl out? Watch my video on how to ask a girl out and learn:

Alex shares a couple great simple, yet fun, text messages to send women. These messages not only will get a response, but they will make the girl smile and create that fun, playful vibe that is so important when texting girl.s

Top 3 Tips for Text Flirting

3 Tips for Flirting Over Text Messages

There are certain tips that you will need to follow when texting a girl you like. Every guy needs to know how to talk to girls, and when you learn some of these things even you will be surprised as to what can happen. There are a lot of different ways to flirt through text messaging, but you will want to start with sending short simple messages like “Hey there”, just to let her know you’re interested.

Play it Cool
Not going overboard is something that will be very important, so you will need to remember to limit how often you text the girls you want to get with. Remember that most girls like guys who are assertive but not desperate, so keep in mind that you will need to play it cool most of the time. Sending her jokes every once in a while is another good idea you might want to consider, because it will make her laugh and she will know you care enough to send it to her.

Use Emoticons
Emoticons are great for flirting because that can convey a lot of different emotions, everything from happiness to silliness. You will want to remember to use them when they apply, so look at what your phone offers in the way of emoticons. They just might end up getting you a date with the girl you like.

Ask Her Questions
When you are sending the girl you like text messages, make sure to ask her things about herself like favorite hobbies, foods, music, etc. This will give you all the information you will need so when you finally have a date with her you will know exactly where to go and how to act. Girls usually like it when they get the chance to talk about themselves with guys, so always remember to ask her these types of questions when texting.

Keep the Texts Short and Fun
Keep in mind that your messages don’t have to be anything grand, they can be just a little joke that you heard or a funny picture you pulled off the internet. Remember that sharing jokes with a girl is one way of flirting via text message. Next time your friend forwards you something funny, don’t hesitate to show it to a girl that you like.
Make sure to text her on a regular basis but don’t go overboard. You won’t want to seem like a stalker, so make sure to keep your distance while still letting her know how you feel through text messages. Asking her how her day is going or saying “good morning” when you wake up once in a while might be a good idea… once in awhile.. but if you do it every day… its get WEIRD.
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