Fórmula 1 2011

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Una noticia muy interesante: Sky Germany sera el primero en transmitir la F1 en HD http://jfaaps.blogspot.com/2011/01/sky-germany-el-primer-canal-en.html

Buena noticia; siempre me ha parecido muy tonto que la F1 siendo una categoria tan importante donde hay tanta tecnología se aparte de ese tema.

Recuerdo que TELMEX por unos meses libero algunos canales HD entre ellos FOX SPORTS,el canal es de México y retransmitian las válidas en HD con sonido ambiente.
FOM confirms HD coverage for 2011


Formula 1's move to true high definition television coverage in 2011 has been officially confirmed by the sport's broadcast chiefs, AUTOSPORT can reveal.

Amid intense speculation over the last 24 hours about F1 television plans for this year, after Sky Germany announced that it was going to broadcast in HD, Formula One Management has now affirmed that all channels that have a deal to show the sport will be given an HD feed.

After detailed investigations over the winter into whether it can deliver a proper HD service, plus checks that new equipment that it has brought in will be ready on time, AUTOSPORT has learned that FOM informed broadcasters on Tuesday that it was going ahead with 'native' HD coverage.

FOM has invested in equipment that is good enough to ensure that it can download the data to broadcasters at a high quality rate of 42MB of data per second - and the broadcast will be in 1080i resolution.

All trackside cameras will be full HD, but due to the technical complexity of on-board cameras these will remain upscaled standard definition cameras for now.

Several broadcasters have already confirmed their plans to show true HD coverage in 2011 - including Sky Germany and Globo in Brazil - with other channels set to follow suit immediately.

AUTOSPORT understands the BBC is almost certain to show the high definition coverage on its HD channel, and then downscale the signal so it is suitable for its terrestrial channels.

The British broadcaster has so far not made public its broadcast plans for this year, however, but says announcements about what it intends to do will be made in the next few weeks.

Formula 1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone said last year that the move to HD coverage would only come when broadcasters felt the public were really ready to receive it, and that he could guarantee the quality would be good enough.

"We don't want to broadcast unless people want it," Ecclestone told AUTOSPORT at the Canadian Grand Prix. "I asked in England, the BBC, about it - how many people can receive it? They said about 20 per cent of the viewers who watch F1. Then I want to make sure that what we produce is top quality."
Buena noticia; siempre me ha parecido muy tonto que la F1 siendo una categoria tan importante donde hay tanta tecnología se aparte de ese tema.

Recuerdo que TELMEX por unos meses libero algunos canales HD entre ellos FOX SPORTS,el canal es de México y retransmitian las válidas en HD con sonido ambiente.

Esperar que pase lo mismo este año.

Me da un chocorramo?
Yo veo la F1 con upscaling (HD) desde hace mas o menos 3 meses, que Directv introdujo Fox Sports HD y la mejora en resolucion 16: 9 y sonido a la señal standar es como de un 200%, es sencillamente incomparable; cuando transmiten los grandes premios, coloco mi home que es un logitech Z5500 y ufff se escucha impresionante!!!!!! ahora en la semana estan transmitiendo todas las carreras del año pasado y la sensacion de ver un gran premio asi, es muy diferente, ademas nunca pasan comerciales!!; ojala llegue pronto la transmision en propia HD, debe ser espeluznante!!!!!!!!!!
Por el momento el HD es en retrasmisión, pero esperemos que pase a "en Vivo". Los que han confirmado el HD son Sky Germany, Globo y OneHD (Australia).

La FOM anuncio que el problema de la trasmisión en vivo es las cámaras onboard; al parecer lo que van hacer es que toda la pista tenga cámaras HD y los coches seguirán con cámaras estándar para pasaran de 360 a 480, mientras que en la pista seran full HD a 1080p

Ahora si vale la pena pasarse a Directv HD...
OLE ¿alguno de ustedes ha participado en esta competencia?

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estaba una décima más rápido que el colombiano más rápido que era Camilo Narvaez Lucena (amigo mio)
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