What is your favorite TV show?


Lanero Regular
19 Dic 2007
So in another effort to help learn more about the many members of this clan I ask the question "What is your favorite TV show" it can be anything no one here is going to laugh at you for watching "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Just help us to help know you!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer was an awesome show; it handled teenage angst, friendship, relationship with parents, high school life and other stuff in a very original way and earned lots of awards because of its clever writing, spotless acting and all-around nice production values.
Well, right now I'm stuck with Journeyman, an NBC show aired on wednesdays. It's sort of similar to Quantum Leap. The story of a time traveler who is sent into the past of his own life and others' always in San Francisco.
my favorite tv show and for me de best one on tv now is heroes, this show is for the lovers of comics and the sci-fi.....is amazing
definetly, Lost...
Its the best story of a serie ever written...
Its an history full of turning ponits and with a lot of things you don't know, but with step by step you know someting else every chapter.
It seems americans keep remaking old shows. This week I've watched the two first chapters of "Moonlight" a supernatural detective story where the main character is a vampire who decided to become detective in order to help people...Too similar to "Forever Night" aired during the early 90s...

So, we can't complain colombian TV is doing trhe same with old soap operas such as Las Juanas (Las Marias), Rauzan (El Caballero de Rauzan), etc...There's an alarming lack of creativity...:cansado:
Moonlight is an almost scene-by-scene ripoff of Angel... Even the same city!

Yes it is quite a ripoff, although there are some differences, for example Moonlight vampires can walk on daylight for a long time, even on the desert, vampires on Angel can not do that. But I like a lot the show, because it's a ripoff of Angel, I loved and still love Angel, for me the best TV show ever made.

I like a lot of shows on TV, but if I must choose only one that would be House. Hugh Laurie is a great actor, even Bryan Singer get confused with his accent, he is a British and Singer define him as a "true american actor" or something like that. Also in this season there is 13 play by Olivia Wilde, one of the actress that I really like.
My favorite american tv show .... "Married with Children", old, but excellent, it's the one to my. So .. what about Seinfield, Any one of us see it? could you understand? - (jeje, it's Ok too)
Prison Break and Lost, these series are the favorite for me. I just decided to watch prison few weeks ago and I have finished the first season, It was really amazing.

About Seinfeld, It is a good serie, like others, It has bad and good days but the characters are very funny mainly Kramer, my favorite.

i can say i like a couple tv shows, my favorites are smallville, prison break, lost, heroes, supernatural. In that order

I download for internet, why i wait if i can see the programs now from the internet.

Pd: Seinfeld are my favorite funny series, followed by two and a half men.
"Friends" is a classic already. Even if you don't understand much English you'll take a good laugh! Don't forget to cover the subtitles!

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