Would you like practice and improve your English by EnglishLans????

Would you like practice and improve your English by EnglishLans????

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LANero oficial
14 Nov 2001
Would you like practice and improve your English by EnglishLans????

Yes, just like that, meetings of real people in any place (house of someone, Bar, or in any place) to took, to practice, to see a movie, improve the lessening and meet more interesting people!!!!!

Would you?

Ok!!!! I’m the first!!!!!
I’m in Cali, so, who want to be the second here in cali??, or, who want to be the first in other city???
hey I was In Cali for more than a year, now i'm in Bogota (just notices that there was an english forum inside laneros), I'm hardly practicing my english 'cause i've learned it by myself and i think i'm good. But we as colombians are very fool when we try to learn academically, the english like the music is learned by PRACTICE, not by reading books,
YOUR IDEA IS GREAT - we can improve our english, and our lives too.
hell ya im improving my english everyday, u know? im in a computer game clan
and all the members in there r americans and we use a program called teamspeak to comunicate each other with a mic
Hello there!!

I think that our biggest problem is our location, in my case I'm in Monteria, but if we all say where we are, we could make a meeting in a place where we all could go, like a conference, we could also invite people and make this greater!!


Carlos Figueroa.
I have a problem, nobody else here like's to practice english, and i dont want to travel just to practice.
I would like to practice, even just writing, and maybe on Teamspeak server.
Ok, people, that’s the feeling that I want to hear, may be in this moment there are not so much positive post of people to create a meetings in each city, but all of we know that the practice is the only way to improve the English like a foreign language. So please!!! continue posting here until the group grows to start the EnglisLANs
Nigro??? w0000w how long without knowing anything about you!!!

In Cali?? Oh God!! I had no idea about it!!

You know where I am jijijiji we can talk by LANeros.com
I hope you are doing great ^____^

So nice to see you again!
I don't think this is a great idea after all... A lot of us (I include myself) would be ashamed of talking in english in front of others. And even if we do, there would be so much misunderstanding just because we're not very good at talking in english.

The best idea, in my opinion, is to have a great english teacher among us, someone who really knows how to talk in english, someone with a perfect accent and very fluid.

I love how my little cousin speaks in english. She has an accent that I can hardly imitate. I want to speak like her... someday.
JulianD dijo:
I don't think this is a great idea after all... A lot of us (I include myself) would be ashamed of talking in english in front of others. And even if we do, there would be so much misunderstanding just because we're not very good at talking in english.

Another little problem is when you're talking in English and people start looking at you saying things like "What the hell is that?", "Que man tan picao ome! :p" and "He thinks he's an american, what a stupid guy" so you feel a little bit ashamed. That's why sometimes I don't practice my English in public and I don't feel totally comfortable doing that.
FM Static dijo:
Another little problem is when you're talking in English and people start looking at you saying things like "What the hell is that?", "Que man tan picao ome! :p" and "He thinks he's an american, what a stupid guy" so you feel a little bit ashamed. That's why sometimes I don't practice my English in public and I don't feel totally comfortable doing that.
Unfortunately that's totally true:\... Many people are afraid of speaking in English 'cause they feel ashamed about what others could say.. and it gets even worse when u try to give your best with your pronounciation and some people just try to make fun of you.. "que man tan picao ome" as you just said and stuff like that:(.. It's really sad, but that's a one of the reasons why many people just don't feel confortable at all when they're speaking english..
I've actually realized about this problem and it happens everywhere... altought it won't stop me to keep practicing=)

Quien dijo que necesitamos un lugar físico para reunirnos? por favor laneros, no han escuchado hablar de la vozip? quien de nosotros sera el primero en encontrar un software o sitio donde se pueda hacer charla colectiva mediante ip?
who said that we need a physical place to have a meeting? please laners, haven't you ever heard of voip? who between us will be the first to find a SW or a website that allows us to have a multi-user chat via voip?
musico.digital dijo:
who said that we need a physical place to have a meeting? please laners, haven't you ever heard of voip? who between us will be the first to find a SW or a website that allows us to have a multi-user chat via voip?

There's a software called TeamSpeak specially used by gamers, it's like a voice chat because you have a room and everybody can talk at the same time using their own headsets. It isn't VoIP (I'm not sure) but it has good quality.
Wuzzup people??
It's been a while since I posted here 4 the last time =)

About the main topic, I think it's a pretty good idea. Too bad we all live in different cities which are quite far from each other.... but it doesn't mean that we have to give up on this idea. You know, some of us might have the chance to personally meet another Lanero :p

BTW, people who are learning English as a second language (or as a foreign language) should not be afraid to speak.... you need to practice your English, no matter if you make mistakes when you speak.
That's the only way you can improve your speech.

Keep Up the good ideas people !!!! :llamas2:

HEY"Guys totally agree with the people here!!!I hold a B.A in teaching English,,, and I think the idea is great,,,if you guys want I can set up a place and date to meet up with people in BOGOTA ( sort of like a party ) and we can discuss about technology,,i have a couple of friends who are English teachers and they will be more than welcome to help!!!!jsut say YEAH,,,, and me and my friends we'll be ready!!!!feel free to contact IVANCHO and GABINO here in laneros!!!CHEERS,,see ya soon.......
chips,,dip....hotdogs..hamburguers,,movies,musick,,,videos popcorn...talks,,technology...you mention it,,,it can be in a community center (salon comunal) or somebody's garage..etc more ideas welcome!!!!!!!!

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