2014 FIA Formula One Championship

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Se viene la última carrera del 2014... Vamos haber como termina esto...
Que bueno que Hamilton, ganó el campeonato! Congratulations!

Que tal los amigos de Hamilton!

Nicole que no lo abandona y al contrario lo apoya siempre, así sea a escondidas!! je je je je Por cierto. Es hermosa!


Que podium tan bacano! Muy bueno por Felipiño, Bottas y Hamilton, estaba como emocionado!



Severo trofeo

Esta aplicación, siempre me acompaña cuando veo los GP! Es imprescindible para mi!

Prefiero este final de campeonato en Yas Marina, que en interlagos!

En cuanto al mejor piloto del mundo o sea Fernando Alonso, tengo fé, en que el otro año, será un año lleno de éxitos, como se lo merece.


Enviado desde mi iPhone 6 Plus utilizando Tapatalk Premium!

Respecto de cómo vamos a ver la F1 el otro año, habrá que buscar una parabólica que tenga Rede Globo (canal brasilero que transmite F1 desde la época dorada de Piquet y Senna).

Lástima que por mi sector (Cedritos), sea muy difícil encontrar parabólicas de barrio.

Cuando me voy de paseo o nonestoy un domingo en mi casa, llevo conmigo el apple tv (para verla en el tv de donde llego) y junto con el iphone, puedo ver las carreras de formula 1, con las siguientes aplicaciones:
Tv Online


También con la aplicación Tv, se pueden ver los GP


Ahí dejo el pantallazo para q vean los iconos!

Se ven las carreras, pruebas, etc, sin ningún inconveniente!

Enviado desde mi iPhone 6 Plus utilizando Tapatalk Premium!
Última edición por un moderador:
Entonces me compraré un Apple TV para ver las carreras a partir de 2015 con las aplicaciones que recomendaron en el anterior post.
No le pienso dar un peso a DirecTV porque no es lo correcto negociar acaparando algo.





Que bueno que Hamilton, ganó el campeonato! Congratulations!

Que tal los amigos de Hamilton!

Nicole que no lo abandona y al contrario lo apoya siempre, así sea a escondidas!! je je je je Por cierto. Es hermosa!


Que podium tan bacano! Muy bueno por Felipiño, Bottas y Hamilton, estaba como emocionado!



Severo trofeo

Esta aplicación, siempre me acompaña cuando veo los GP! Es imprescindible para mi!

Prefiero este final de campeonato en Yas Marina, que en interlagos!

En cuanto al mejor piloto del mundo o sea Fernando Alonso, tengo fé, en que el otro año, será un año lleno de éxitos, como se lo merece.


Enviado desde mi iPhone 6 Plus utilizando Tapatalk Premium!

Cuando me voy de paseo o nonestoy un domingo en mi casa, llevo conmigo el apple tv (para verla en el tv de donde llego) y junto con el iphone, puedo ver las carreras de formula 1, con las siguientes aplicaciones:
Tv Online


También con la aplicación Tv, se pueden ver los GP


Ahí dejo el pantallazo para q vean los iconos!

Se ven las carreras, pruebas, etc, sin ningún inconveniente!

Enviado desde mi iPhone 6 Plus utilizando Tapatalk Premium!

Viejo ¿Y esas aplicaciones son gratuitas o pagas?
Última edición por un moderador:

Viejo ¿Y esas aplicaciones son gratuitas o pagas?​

Las de tv, la verdad no se! mejor dicho no me acuerdo, porque hace tiempos las tengo y la app Formula Timing, si cuesta aproximadamente 25 dólares y se paga por temporada!

Enviado desde mi iPhone 6 Plus utilizando Tapatalk Premium!​
Mattiacci out of Ferrari as Arrivabene confirmed in top job
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By: Adam Cooper, F1 reporter
Posted: 7 hours ago
Ferrari decided to appoint Maurizio Arrivabene, as a person with a thorough understanding of the governance mechanisms and requirements of the sport.
Ferrari has confirmed that team boss Marco Mattiacci is to be replaced by Maurizio Arravabene, the story having emerged over the weekend in Abu Dhabi.

Arravabene has worked for Ferrari’s main sponsor Marlboro since 1997, and is a familiar face in the paddock. Latter he has held the role of Vice President Consumer Channel Strategy and Event Marketing for Philip Morris International.

We would also like to thank Marco Mattiacci for his service to Ferrari in the last 15 years and we wish him well in his future endeavours.

Sergio Marchionne

Since 2010 he has had a seat on the F1 Commission as the sole representative of the sponsors, and has thus been intimately involved with the rule making process.

Mattiacci fell out of favour with Ferrari chairman Sergio Marchionne, and his handling of the departure of Fernando Alonso – which led to a huge pay-off to the Spanish driver after the team was left with three World Champions under contract for next season – clearly did not help. Just eight months after being chosen by Luca di Montezemolo to run the F1 team, he is out of the company.

A unique wealth of knowledge
Marchionne said: “We decided to appoint Maurizio Arrivabene because, at this historic moment in time for the Scuderia and for Formula 1, we need a person with a thorough understanding not just of Ferrari but also of the governance mechanisms and requirements of the sport.

I am delighted to have been able to secure his leadership for our racing activities.

Sergio Marchionne

“Maurizio has a unique wealth of knowledge: he has been extremely close to the Scuderia for years and, as a member of the F1 Commission, is also keenly aware of the challenges we are facing. He has been a constant source of innovative ideas focused on revitalisation of Formula One. His managerial experience on a highly complex and closely regulated market is also of great importance, and will help him manage and motivate the team. I am delighted to have been able to secure his leadership for our racing activities.”

Regarding the departing boss he said: “We would also like to thank Marco Mattiacci for his service to Ferrari in the last 15 years and we wish him well in his future endeavours.”

Era de esperarse... Como es que ponen a un tipo que no sabe un pito de F1 y que vivía en USA totalmente alejado de la escena... En hora buena!!!
Esos que se creen dueños de la verdad y que siempre han pasado por encima de las opiniones diferentes... Quiero ver en que equipo queda Malonso el año entrante y cual será la excusa para quejarse.
Ya Alonso fue confirmado por Mclaren Honda para la próxima temporada
Sinceramente eso que ustedes se quejan con respecto a los anti Vettel del foro son lo mismo que ustedes hacen de Alonso.

Ustedes no aceptan ningún argumento sino que para usted es Malonso y punto.

Por ejemplo todos ustedes al principio del año dijeron que Kimi iba a pasar por encima de Alonso de hecho hasta dave dijo que lo iba a sodomizar y fue todo lo contrario. Más sin embargo el bando anti alonsista de este foro no acepta tampoco eso y todo lo que hacen es tratarlo de Malonso y demás términos.

Eso mismo que ustedes aducen que hacen los llamados trolls por ustedes es lo mismo que se ve por parte de ustedes.

De hecho si por algo es que no volví a participar acá es que se volvió demasiado canson ver a todos los anti alonsista y anti Vettel discutir de la forma más obtusa y cerrada sin escuchar ni un solo argumento.

Hay gente con mucho conocimiento en este tema pero da una pereza absoluta ver que salvo algunos muy contados todos creen que son los dueños de la verdad absoluta y esto va para anti alonsistas y anti Vettelistas por igual ninguno se salva.
Ya Alonso fue confirmado por Mclaren Honda para la próxima temporada

Todavía no (de manera oficial). Hay que esperar.

No agreement on 2015 McLaren F1 line-up after board meeting
By Jonathan NobleThursday, December 4th 2014, 17:02 GMT


Jenson Button and Kevin Magnussen face an even longer wait for McLaren to make its 2015 Formula 1 line-up decision after a team board meeting failed to resolve the issue.

Following weeks of deliberation at McLaren about whether or not Button's experience or Magnussen's longer-term potential were best to partner with Fernando Alonso in 2015, all eyes were on the outcome of a board meeting that took place in Woking on Thursday.

However, despite lengthy discussions relating to a host of McLaren issues, a team spokesman confirmed that no agreement was reached on what it would do with its drivers in 2015.

The spokesman said: "Today's board meeting has now concluded, and no decision has been taken with regard to our 2015 driver line-up."

OPINION: Choosing between Button and Magnussen

The ongoing delay in McLaren's decision on drivers appears baffling, because the team has been well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of both men for some time now - so has all the information it needs to pick the man it thinks will be best.

However, there may be commercial factors at play - as the team bids to secure fresh sponsorship funds to ensure it can make the most of its new era with Honda.

Both drivers appeared at a promotional event in Edinburgh on Thursday for McLaren sponsor Johnnie Walker, and Button made clear that he wanted a decision as quickly as possible.

"I'm now really comfortable, and whatever happens I will have a great year next year," he told the Press Association.

"New challenges are exciting, whether it's in Formula 1 with McLaren alongside an exciting team-mate, or whether it's elsewhere.

"So I'm good, but I just want to get it done. I want to hear the decision - as we all do - so we can all move on in whatever direction."

In the end, Button may decide that he can no longer wait for McLaren to make a decision and could choose to seek a drive elsewhere in motor sport - most likely in sportscars.

McLaren-Honda – a new era

Posted on Monday, 24 Nov 2014 07:00 (GMT)

On November 14 2014, a contemporary McLaren-Honda racecar powered onto the track for the first time in nearly a quarter of a century.

Our last race as partners was at the 1992 Australian Grand Prix – a race that we won, incidentally – and every day brings us closer to our new era together.

The atmosphere in the pit garage at Silverstone on that damp November filming day was utterly electric – everybody was fully aware of the weight of expectation. But our first forays on the track will be exploratory. Our test car, MP4-29H/1X1, undertakes its initial systems checks in Abu Dhabi before Christmas, and we only commence full engine testing next February.

It’s a tense but exciting time.

While our past achievements leave an indelible mark – together, we wrote one of the greatest chapters in Formula 1 – it is our belief in the future that drives us forward.

Join us as we reunite the greatest partnership in grand prix history and return McLaren-Honda to the racetrack.

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McLaren-Honda announces Fernando Alonso & Jenson Button for 2015

Posted on Thursday, 11 Dec 2014 10:30 (GMT)
McLaren-Honda prepares for 2015: laying the foundations for future domination.

McLaren-Honda is delighted to announce its new driver line-up for 2015: Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button. Kevin Magnussen will remain an important part of the team, as test and reserve driver.

All three men will play crucial roles in re-establishing the ascendancy of one of global sport’s most iconic unions, for McLaren and Honda have already formed one of the most dominant partnerships in motorsport history: Honda broke new ground in the 1980s by creating a turbocharged engine that was unparalleled in both its output and its efficiency, and, between 1988 and 1992, McLaren-Honda won eight world championships and 44 grands prix, and took 53 pole positions and set 30 fastest laps, all in just 80 grands prix.

In 1988, the partnership created arguably the single most successful Formula 1 car of all time: the all-conquering McLaren-Honda MP4/4, which was driven to victory by Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost in an amazing 15 of the season’s 16 grands prix.

The lure presented by those same goals has once again brought the legendary Japanese corporation back to the pinnacle of global motor racing; and, again, that company, Honda, is developing its revolutionary new turbocharged engine at its all-new purpose-built state-of-the-art motorsport facility in Sakura, Japan.

It is against that backdrop that McLaren and Honda are now committing to rebuilding afresh the strongest possible partnership in Formula 1.

The aforementioned Ayrton Senna, in the opinion of many the greatest driver in the history of our sport, won 30 of the 44 grands prix that McLaren and Honda annexed together between 1988 and 1992. Ayrton once said: “We do not need myths. We need examples to be followed – examples of courage, determination and hope. We need to believe it is possible to win, and it is our duty to pursue that belief.”

Everyone at McLaren, and at Honda, agrees with every word of that inspirational remark, starting with our newly re-recruited driver, Fernando Alonso.

Fernando Alonso said:

“I have never hidden my deep admiration for Ayrton Senna, my favourite driver, my idol on track, my reference.

“I still remember, as a kid, the posters in my wardrobe, my toy cars in which I dreamed I would one day emulate Ayrton, and the kart that my father built for my older sister, and that I ended up falling in love with. That kart had the livery of one of the most legendary partnerships in the history of Formula 1, McLaren-Honda, the car that Ayrton drove, the same partnership to which I am now honoured to join, to take part in the next Formula 1 world championship.

“I am joining this project with enormous enthusiasm and determination, knowing that it may require some time to achieve the results we are aiming for, which is no problem for me.

“Over the past year I have received several offers, some of them really tempting, given the current performance of some of the teams that showed interest. But, more than a year ago, McLaren-Honda contacted me and asked me to take part, in a very active way, in the return of their partnership – a partnership that dominated the Formula 1 scene for so long.

“McLaren-Honda’s repeated and open desire, perseverance and determination in making it possible for me to join their exciting renewed partnership, have been some of the main factors that made me take this decision, not forgetting the most important factor of all: we share a common objective and expectations, and there is a very solid future, with confidence, ahead.

“I have had in-depth discussions with all the senior people at both McLaren and Honda, I have viewed their fantastic facilities in both the UK and Japan, and it is clear to me that, together, McLaren and Honda are in the process of beginning what is sure to be a long and successful partnership. And I intend to give 100% effort to help make it exactly that.

“Finally, I want to thank the persistence of those who have fought so hard for this to come true. I will do everything in my power to deliver for everyone and for our team, based on a formula that has always worked for me: effort, sacrifice, perseverance and faith.

“We have time, we have hopes and we have the necessary resources. Let the legend return: that is our challenge.”

Jenson Button said:

“I am extremely excited to be embarking on my 16th year in Formula 1 and my sixth season for McLaren.

“Like Fernando, I am certain that McLaren and Honda will achieve great things together, and I feel sure that, working together, all of us will pull incredibly hard to create a brilliantly effective winning team.

“I admired Ayrton Senna enormously, but, for me, it was the exploits of his McLaren-Honda team-mate Alain Prost that inspired me most as a boy. The way he stroked those beautifully brutal red-and-white cars to grand prix wins and world championships was to my mind poetry in motion, and I have tried to emulate his driving style ever since.

“Being a part of new-look McLaren-Honda is a wonderful opportunity for all of us, and I am very pleased to have been invited to do my bit. In fact, I am absolutely raring to go.

“I am also very glad that Kevin will remain part of the team. He is a very quick driver and a really nice guy.

“Looking forward, I know the Honda guys well, having driven Formula 1 cars powered by their engines from 2003 to 2008. I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for them, and promise to give 100% to make their partnership with McLaren a success.

“Last but far from least, I am very much looking forward to having a driver as fast and as experienced as Fernando as my team-mate. I am sure we will work extremely well together.”

Ron Dennis (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, McLaren) said:

“I am absolutely delighted to be on the threshold of leading McLaren-Honda to a new era of partnership, and I speak on behalf of all at McLaren when I say that. I am equally confident that our colleagues at Honda share that determination and passion to win.

“As regards drivers, McLaren’s policy has always been to assemble the strongest line-up possible, and in Fernando and Jenson I firmly believe that is exactly what we have.

“We signed Fernando a little while ago, but we decided not to announce the fact until we had also re-signed Jenson as his team-mate. For many reasons our negotiations with Jenson took quite a long time, but, now that they have been concluded, we are confident that our collaboration with him will continue to thrive in the future every bit as well as it has in the past. Make no mistake about it, Jenson is 100% committed to McLaren-Honda, to Formula 1, and to winning.

“As a pair, he and Fernando are supremely experienced. Fernando has started 234 grands prix, has converted 32 of those starts to victories, has stood on a grand prix podium 97 times, and has won the drivers’ world championship not once but twice. He is a class act.

“He is 33 – which, for an athlete as physically fit as he is, constitutes a Formula 1 driver’s professional prime of life. Moreover, he is old enough to be experienced and expert, yet young enough to be enthusiastic and energetic. I therefore firmly believe he will deploy those four e’s – experience, expertise, enthusiasm and energy – to drive forward McLaren-Honda’s on-track success next season and for quite a few seasons to come.

“As for Jenson, at 34, he is every bit as fit as Fernando but even more experienced: he has started 266 grands prix, has won 15 of them, and has stood on a grand prix podium 50 times. He, too, is an ex-world champion, and is one of the smoothest and fastest guys out there.

“To sum up, Fernando and Jenson have started a combined total of precisely 500 grands prix between them – a mighty aggregate – and have won 47 of them.

“I can safely say, therefore, that we now have by an order of magnitude the best driver line-up of any current Formula 1 team.

“Finally, I want to thank and pay tribute to Kevin, who has done a great job this season and will continue to be an integral part of our team. He will be our test, reserve and third driver, and remains an excellent prospect for the future.”

Yasuhisa Arai (Senior Managing Officer, Honda R&D Co Ltd; Chief Officer of Motorsport, Honda) said:

“Our partnership with McLaren goes from strength to strength, and I am very excited to welcome as part of our Formula 1 team two great world champions, Fernando and Jenson. Yet the magnitude of the announcement is quickly bringing me back down to earth to focus harder and stronger on the seasons ahead.

“Kevin has shown remarkable growth in the 2014 season, and we are delighted to continue working with him throughout 2015 and beyond; we are certain there is much more to come.

“Honda is dedicated to speeding up the development of the power unit based on the learnings of the recent Abu Dhabi test.

“Working together with these very experienced drivers, we will fine-tune and complete the power units to competitive perfection towards the new season.”

Ohh yeah... Ya es oficial... Sabia decisión por parte de McLaren en elegir a Jenson como compañero de Fernando... 2 campeones van a inpulsar el desarrollo del auto y más aún con la experiencia que tienen ambos... De todas formas es muy claro que Alonso se va a imponer!!!
Me alegro de que Alonso vaya a McLaren, porque cuando Honda se compromete con algo, se esfuerza mucho. Aunque no sé qué tanta experiencia tiene Honda con motores híbridos. Mercedes sí tiene esa experiencia y por eso este año les dio sopa y seco a los demás equipos.
De todas formas tengo una sensación agridulce de que Alonso se haya ido de Ferrari.
De la mano de Honda puede ser que Alonso se vuelva el nuevo Marc Marquez de la F1
Me alegro de que Alonso vaya a McLaren, porque cuando Honda se compromete con algo, se esfuerza mucho. Aunque no sé qué tanta experiencia tiene Honda con motores híbridos. Mercedes sí tiene esa experiencia y por eso este año les dio sopa y seco a los demás equipos.
De todas formas tengo una sensación agridulce de que Alonso se haya ido de Ferrari.

Sip una lástima pero Ferrari NUNCA le dió un auto de punta a Fernando. Lo más cercano fue en 2010 y esos estrategas chichipatos se asustaron en Abu Dhabi!!!

wooow, de un seguidor de Hamilton; que par de pilotos va a tener mclaren el otro año, excelente si van con los colores clásicos.

El color clásico (Blanco + Rojo) era por los cigarrillos (patrocinador)... Es muy poco probable que vayan a tener ese livery!!
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  • Me gusta
Reacciones: ark
Me alegro de que Alonso vaya a McLaren, porque cuando Honda se compromete con algo, se esfuerza mucho. Aunque no sé qué tanta experiencia tiene Honda con motores híbridos. Mercedes sí tiene esa experiencia y por eso este año les dio sopa y seco a los demás equipos.
De todas formas tengo una sensación agridulce de que Alonso se haya ido de Ferrari.

Honda junto con Toyota son líderes mundiales en motores híbridos.
wooow, de un seguidor de Hamilton; que par de pilotos va a tener mclaren el otro año, excelente si van con los colores clásicos.

le apuesto a los colores de cuando era BAR Honda o cuando los pintaron con estilo ecológico hace 6 años
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