What to say to a beautiful girl?

It seems like, it is very difficult to say what you could have inside your heart, maybe men have to work hard to try to take the feelings and put into their mouthes, that's all a man needs to do, say what he feels, without been afraid, saying the pure truth, in a love relation you never lose, so why to be afraid of telling what you think of her. So say it, gently, softly, that is the ideal. Good Luck. Although this is a very old message...
Hey babe i have a bottle of antioqueño in my house,lets go there :)

Dude, i actually said that to a friend at college and we came to my place and she loved, although she got totally wasted but it was well worth it.

Now, i usually dont say too many words, just let your eyes do the work, i bet ya that def works, always, it doesnt matter what kinda girl is it, they always find eye catching stuff in you (if you know how to send the message through ur eyes)....

Whys everybody saying HIADA is hot? is she really ? lol
It depends on the situation

What to say depends directly on the situation, place and time, it's not the same when you are walking in street, studying in college or hanging out at some bar.
Usually girls don't want to get flirted when they are talking/walking with other friends. Duh!
There is no kitchen recipe to every girl.

Answering the top question, well:
1) Do you study in X University / High School / College by chance?
2) Do you know what time it is, please? (old and unoriginal trick)
3) Do you know where X place is, please? (better trick)

Good luck
I would change the question, What would a girl wants to hear from a boy? Maybe some girls would answer and then the problem will be solved.
the things is that u have to be yourself say hi with respect and u have to be like a little arrogant but not to much,or u can say like hello what time it is? lol

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